Tuesday, January 12, 2010

First Reactions to Logicomix

What did you like best about Logicomix? What do you want to discuss further?


  1. My first reaction was that I enjoyed the format. I thoguht it was very creative. I think the idea of a philosophical work in a graphic novel format allows individuals who would not normally be interested in philosophy. Also, by bringing in other philosophers the reader is able to discover certian philosophers they might be interested in.

    At second class I enjoyed how the writers made it a framed story. With the writing of the novel to Russell's life quest for knowledge. I also enjoyed how the reader is able to see how Russell's life influenced his philosophical writing.

    I have never read a work of Russell so I would like to consider what in the novel is fictional to help the writers story and what is true about Russell's writings. It also might be benefical to consider the practical implication of logic in world affairs.

  2. I've read Russell's biography and another biography and my interest is through his work in the foundations of mathematics. The story is rather accurate---there are some novelistic exceptions noted at page 315. My sense, having read a lot of the original work of Russell and Whitehead, Godel, et al, is that the story of the development of logic is correct in the broad view.

  3. I love having the broader, world context and the narrative story around the philosophy. It helps me understand where the ideas came from and what they could lead to. It makes it easier for me to remember how Russell et al. fit together. The narrative format inspires me to read more about the main "characters". Thanks to Nate for needing a 1 hour class!

  4. I also like the broader, world context. I love how it combines my two interets philosophy and history!

  5. Just to give you a sense of the activity regarding the foundations of mathematics, I have copied a post I received this morning that discusses (among professionals) the status of the ZFC (Zermelo, Frankel set theory with the axiom of Choice). You should be able to see that it is quite active and that there are many questions that have been discussed, some resolved and others raised.

    Note also that it this comment was made by a professor of Natural Theology at Brown.

    Bob Riehemann

    ****Begin Post*****

    Much of what Jeremy has been saying seems to focus on the question
    whether the acceptance of ZFC depends upon one's being able in some
    sense to characterize the universe, V, of sets. But this thought can
    be questioned. as it was by George Boolos in such papers as "On
    Second-order Logic", "The Iterative Conception of Set", "Iteration
    Again", and especially "To Be Is To Be a Value of a Variable" and
    "Nominalist Platonism". The issue is also discussed in detail in Richard
    Cartwright's paper "Speaking of Everything", and there are related
    model-theoretic discussions in papers by Agustin Rayo, Gabriel Uzquiano,
    Van McGee, and Timothy Williamson, among others. (Sorry if I've left
    anyone out!)

    In short, the response is that we should not suppose (a) that the
    motivation for ZFC somehow depends upon a characterization of the
    "totality" of sets and (b) we absolutely should not suppose that it
    depends upon the presumption that the "totality" so characterized (the
    "domain" of the theory) itself has to *be* a set. Jermey's emphasis on
    the claim that we have no good reason to believe in the existence of a
    "model" of ZFC, where this would be a *set* with certain properties,
    suggests rather strongly that the advantages he claims for ZC rest upon
    (a) and (b) or claims to the same effect.

    It is an old idea, going back to the very origins of set-theory, that
    neither of these should be accepted, though Cantor's own reasons for
    rejecting (a) and (b) seem to have been a little peculiar, or at least
    to have had some peculiar elements. As regards (a), the thought is that
    a purely generative conception, as developed particularly in Scott's
    axiomatization of `stage theory', is adequate to motivate ZFC. As
    regards (b), the thought is that this is just wrong, for reasons
    Cartwright expresses particularly forcefully.

    ****Post Continued in next Comment****

  6. ****Continuation of Post above****

    There are ways of developing some of these ideas, via notions like that
    of "indefinite extensibility", that can lead to a somewhat contructivist
    way of thinking, but there are plenty of people who think of the
    set-theoretic universe as being in some sense "open-ended" who do not
    have particularly constructivist leanings. Nor, I should add, am I
    actually saying that one has to think of the set theoretic universe as
    open-ended to reject (a) and (b). But it's a natural direction to take.

    Somewhat ironically, later in his life Boolos expressed doubts about the
    extent to which a "generative" motivation could be given for
    replacement. He suggested, in "Iteration Again", I believe, that the
    intutions that drive replacement might better be understood as based
    upon a conception of set bound up with `limitation of size' (a very
    Cantorian idea). And he came to believe, toward the end of his life,
    that maybe replacement wasn't very well motivated at all. But his
    reasons were quite different and were ultimately based upon little more
    than revulsion at the very idea that there might be objects as large as
    those ZFC churns out. To quote:

    ...[J]ust what exactly is the matter with saying ZFC isn't correct
    because it tells us that there are [lots] of objects and there aren't
    that many objects? ...To be sure, one who says this may be asked how he
    knows there aren't. But the reply, "Get serious. Of course there aren't
    that many things in existence. I can't *prove* that there aren't, of
    course, any more than I can *prove* that therea aren't any spirits shyly
    but eagerly waiting to make themselves apparent when the Zeitgeist is
    finally ready to acknowledge the possibility of their existence. But
    there aren't any such spirits and there aren't as many things around as
    [that]. You know that perfectly well, and you also know that any theory
    that tells you otherwise is at best goofball."---that reply, although it
    does not *offer reasons* for thinking that there are fewer than [that
    many] objects in existence, would not seem to manifest any illusions
    that could be called metaphysical realist. ["Must We Believe in Set
    Theory", in *Logic, Logic, and Logic*, p. 145]

    The remark about metaphysical realism isn't to the present point, but
    one gets the idea.

    For those who are wondering, the specific number Boolos has in mind is
    the least ordinal \lambda for which \lamba = \aleph_\lambda. ZFC of
    course entails the existence of such an ordinal.


    Richard G Heck Jr
    Romeo Elton Professor of Natural Theology
    Brown University

    ****End of Post****
